
STOP Making BAD Video Games!

Are you tired of creating games that just don't live up to your expectations?

Do you find yourself struggling to come up with new and engaging game ideas?

Have you ever felt like you just can’t get the mechanics right or that your levels are boring and lack replayability?

If so, I have some great news for you…

It’s time to finally start understanding WHY your game fails and more important:

HOW to finally design a good and interesting game.

I’ve written a comprehensive guide, “The Game Design Bible: Everything you need to know to never ship a bad game again”, that covers all the core game design principles and theories you need to know to create the game of your dreams.

Imagine being able to design games with mechanics that keep your players coming back for more… 

Imagine creating levels that are fun, challenging, and offer a high replayability value…

Imagine understanding player psychology so well that you can design games that keep your players engaged for hours on end…

All of this is possible with “The Game Design Bible”. Inside, you’ll learn the MDA framework, a powerful tool that will help you design games that are dynamic, aesthetically pleasing, and offer a high replayability value. You’ll also discover the player motivation theory, which will help you create games that keep your players engaged and coming back for more. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

I’ll explain bellow, in short, everything you’ll learn in this Bible, it corresponds to a chapter in the book. You’ll notice that it was really written in a way that you’ll learn all the most important things to never ship a bad game ever again!

Let’s explore the sections and chapters of The Game Design Bible:

Introduction to Game Design

In this chapter of “The Game Design Bible”, you will learn exactly what game design is and how it is used to make good games. This chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to the main foundations, principles, and theories of game design. You will learn the basics of what goes into designing a game and how to use that knowledge to create an engaging and satisfying player experience. 

From an understanding of mechanics and level design, to player psychology and game balance, this chapter lays the foundation for understanding the rest of the book’s content and how to apply it in practice. 

You will be able to understand the big picture of game design and how it shapes the final product, and will be able to apply it in the process of designing and developing games.

Game Design Principles :

As a game developer, understanding the principles of game design is crucial for creating games that are enjoyable, satisfying, and appealing to players. With the knowledge of game design principles, you can create games that are well-balanced, engaging, and replayable. You can ensure that your game’s mechanics are intuitive, your levels are challenging, and your players are motivated.

Furthermore, you will be able to design a game that is accessible to players of all abilities and that can appeal to a wide audience. In short, by understanding game design principles, you can create games that are not only fun to play, but also have a lasting appeal and a greater chance of commercial success.

Check everything you’ll see in this section:

Mechanics in game design refer to the systems and rules that govern how the game is played. Understanding mechanics is crucial for game designers as it is the foundation of the player’s interaction with the game. By mastering mechanics, game designers can create engaging gameplay experiences that keep players coming back for more.

Level design is the process of creating levels that are engaging and challenging for the player. Level design is critical to the player’s experience and can impact the game’s difficulty, replayability, and overall fun factor. By understanding the principles of level design, game designers can create levels that are well-balanced, immersive, and memorable.

Understanding player psychology is essential for creating games that are engaging, satisfying, and motivating for the player. By understanding what motivates players, game designers can create games that tap into these motivations and create a sense of achievement, exploration, and immersion.

Game balance is the process of ensuring that a game is challenging but not frustrating for the player. Game balance is critical for creating a satisfying player experience and can affect the player’s enjoyment of the game, replayability and also can have an impact on player retention. By understanding the principles of game balance, game designers can create games that are fun and challenging for players of all skill levels.

Replay value refers to the ability of a game to be played multiple times and still remain enjoyable. A game with high replay value will keep players engaged and coming back for more. By understanding the principles of replay value, game designers can create games that are engaging, challenging and have a lasting appeal.

Accessibility in game design refers to the ability for a game to be played and enjoyed by players of all abilities. This includes players with disabilities, different cultural backgrounds and also players with different skill levels. By understanding the principles of accessibility, game designers can create games that are inclusive and easy to play for all players, expanding their potential audience.

Appeal in game design refers to the ability of a game to be engaging and entertaining for the player. Appeal is important for creating a game that is enjoyable to play and also have a strong audience. By understanding the principles of appeal, game designers can create games that are visually and emotionally engaging, have a good story and mechanics, and ultimately are satisfying and memorable experiences.

Game Design Theories :

Game design theories are essential tools for game developers to understand the underlying concepts of the player’s experience and how to optimize it. With the understanding of game design theories, you can create games that are highly engaging, motivating, and immersive.

Check them out:

The MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics) Framework is a widely used model for understanding game design. It provides a way for game designers to think about the different components of a game and how they interact with each other. Understanding the MDA framework can help game designers create games that are balanced, engaging, and satisfying for the player.

The player motivation theory explains why players play games and what motivates them. By understanding player motivations, game designers can create games that tap into these motivations and create a sense of achievement, exploration, and immersion. This can lead to higher player engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

The Flow theory explains the optimal state of player engagement and immersion in a game. When players are in a state of flow, they are fully immersed in the game and find it highly enjoyable. By understanding the principles of flow, game designers can create games that are challenging and satisfying for the player.

The gamification theory is the process of using game design elements and mechanics to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals. This can be applied to various domains such as education, marketing and also for improving productivity and motivation. By understanding the principles of gamification, game designers can create games that are not only fun and entertaining, but also have a practical purpose beyond entertainment.


All those above are crucial for a game designer to understand and master!

Understanding these principles and theories can help game designers create games that are enjoyable, satisfying, and appealing to players, increasing the chances for commercial success and a satisfied audience.

So it's time to make Good Games :

I know that investing in a book like this can be a big decision, so let me put your mind at ease.

I’m so confident that “The Game Design Bible” will help you create better games, that I’m offering a 7-day money back guarantee.

That’s right: If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the information in the book, just let me know within 7 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund.

And the best part?

You can have all of this knowledge for a fraction of the cost of traditional game design courses. If you were to try and learn everything in this book on your own, it would cost you thousands of dollars and countless hours of frustration. But I’m not going to charge you that much, in fact, I’m going to let you have it for just a fraction of this price:

From $ 97,00
to $47,00
to only $ 9,90!

Don’t waste any more time creating games that don’t live up to your expectations. Invest in “The Game Design Bible” today and start creating games that will be remembered for years to come.

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